It takes two years to learn to speak and fifty to learn to be silent.
Ernest Hemingway
In the past, there were either self-study from books or classroom teaching, alone or in combination, as methods of learning a language in a structured way. In the meantime, the Internet has made new ways of learning languages possible under the term e-learning.
E-learning has become firmly established for language learning in recent years and especially during the Corona pandemic. It offers a lot of advantages over conventional teaching , such as time and cost savings as well as flexibility. Online platforms and video conferencing are the cornerstones of this method.
The time factor plays a big role nowadays. This is where e-learning scores. Since you can learn at home or at practically any other location, there is no need to travel to and from the language school. In addition, when working with interactive learning media, you can optimally organise the learning material and adapt it to your personal rhythm of life. With your smartphone, tablet or notebook, you can use even the smallest time slots.
Finally, e-learning also reduces the costs for the provider, so that the courses can be offered at a lower price. Digital media are much cheaper than paper-based materials that have to be sent out. If you combine conventional face-to-face learning with e-learning, you can enjoy the benefits of both methods at the same time. With the help of ZOOM, Skype & Co, one can learn from home together with others and with a real teacher. The combination of face-to-face teaching and e-learning is then called "blended learning". Here, costs for premises, travel times and journeys are largely eliminated, but personal contact with teachers and fellow students is still maintained.
And, e-learning can also be used to supplement conventional language courses by using digital aids for self-study. This does not save any money on the actual course, but it does make it more convenient and efficient to follow up the lessons and consolidate the material.
Another complementary option for language learning is learning with a tandem partner. Ideally, your tandem partner is a German native speaker and wants to learn Italian. There are various platforms, starting with Facebook, where you can find a suitable tandem partner.