I don't pay good wages because I have a lot of money,
but I have a lot of money because I pay good wages.
Robert Bosch
Wages in Germany vary according to region, industry, experience and qualifications. However, there are general trends regarding wages in different occupational groups.
Engineers: The salary of engineers in Germany depends strongly on their specialisation and experience. According to the Federal Statistical Office, the average salary for engineers in 2022 was around 69,600 euros gross per year.
Doctors: For doctors, the salary also depends on various factors, such as specialisation and work experience. According to the German Medical Association, the average gross annual income of full-time doctors in German hospitals was about 88,000 euros in 2022.
Nursing professionals: The salary of nursing professionals in Germany is relatively low compared to other countries. The call for higher wages is constantly growing louder and a significant change in the near future is inevitable. According to the Federal Employment Agency, the average gross annual income of a care professional in 2022 was about 35,000 euros. However, there are differences depending on the federal state and the pay scale.